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Expanding Universe, Hubble Telescope

Expanding Universe, Hubble Telescope

Артикул: 673
Размер упаковки/товара: 300x300x30 мм.
Вес: 3 кг.
Язык: Английский
Переплет: Твердый
Страниц: 360
Год: 2015

Стоимость: 8950 руб

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С исследование космоса - от черных дыр до экзопланет - космический телескоп "Хаббл" изменил не только лицо астрономии, но и наш смысл бытия во Вселенной. По случаю 25-летия его запуска на околоземную орбиту, мы публикуем космические снимки как научные подвиги и как фотографические шедевры. Снимки ультра высокого разрешения решают злободневные вопросы времени и пространства, а также выявляют новые загадки.

With investigations into everything from black holes to exoplanets, the Hubble Telescope has changed not only the face of astronomy, but also our very sense of being in the universe. On the 25th anniversary of its launch into low-earth orbit, TASCHEN celebrates its most breathtaking deep space images both as scientific feats and as photographic masterpieces. Ultra high-resolution and taken with almost no background light, these pictures have answered some of the most compelling questions of time and space, while also revealing new mysteries, like the strange “dark energy” that sees the universe expanding at an ever-accelerated rate. Now, the precision of the telescope is matched with the precision of TASCHEN reproduction standards, allowing the images to mesmerize in their iridescent colors and vast, fragile forms. The collection is accompanied by an essay from photography critic Owen Edwards and an interview with Zoltan Levay, who explains how the pictures are composed. Veteran Hubble astronauts Charles F. Bolden, Jr. and John Mace Grunsfeld also offer their insights on Hubble’s legacy and future space exploration. The contributors: Owen Edwards has written about photography for 30 years for numerous publications including American Photographer, New York Times Magazine, and Smithsonian. Zoltan Levay is Imaging Lead at the Space Telescope Science Institute. He works with astronomers and communicators worldwide to publicize science results from NASAs Hubble Space Telescope.

Постельное бельеКнигиЕда космонавтовКружкиМоделиСофтМаркиНаклейкиОткрыткиЭмблемыУкрашенияНастенные картыПланетарииТелескопыГлобусыОсвещениеПлакатыДекорМетеоритыВидео/Кино